Monday, 21 September 2015

A good start on Sunday at my ringing site at Jerbourg with two nets open 18 metre and a 12 m I started cutting and clearing some more of the net rides but gave up after the first round with a good number of birds in the netting area and with good numbers of swallows migrating through and swooping round the nets after insects . I ended up with a total of 54 new birds which included 9 Black Caps 2 Firecrest 1 house sparrow 1  chiffchaff  41  swallows a good number with only two nets open and only given a pass for three hours by the boss indoors had to get home to look after the kids . So she could go to work going to have to get this sorted?

Saturday, 19 September 2015

With eight weeks of ringing at the Claire Mare reedbeds over it is now time to move the nets to Jerboug for the rest of the autumn ringing season though sedge warbler's were in quite good numbers this year I noticed a higher percentage of adults too juvenile reed warbler's were very disappointing with numbers declining each year it is a worrying trend nearly all the reed warbler's that were caught were possibly migrants migration back South as I only ring 3 that I coded 3J so it makes me wonder whether we're going to lose reed warbler as a breeding species at this reed bed . We really do need to look at what is going on . Best of birds caught at the Clair Mare was aquatic warbler melodious warbler and two kingfishers. Fingers crossed for the weather to be kind to me this year at Jerboug as the last couple years has been washout with the weather.
Aquatic warbler on the left sedge warbler on the right  
melodious warblerAdd caption
